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05/12/2020 Police Officer Greg Anderson – Did He Do the Right Thing?

Greg Anderson’s First Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0t-MLJlbA/

Gerg Anderson’s 2nd Video:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHRgkgbuc/

What was supposed to be airing this morning had to be yanked. That’s how fast the times are changing. What was originally supposed to be an inspiring video of a brave police officer named Greg Anderson voicing his frustration regarding many things. Amongst a sizable list of topics ranging from excess police force to waking up a sleeping giant named the American citizens Anderson expresses his opinions and what his boots on the ground wisdom is warning him. This wisdom derives from both military and police hands on experience. I’m a huge proponent of relaying the fact it’s the single most important experience any of us can have. With over a decade experience Anderson was both in the military overseas and on the streets of America. But it had to be yanked!

Officer Greg Anderson was recently put on suspension pending investigation and by the time this airs is liable to have been dismissed. According to Anderson “if that’s what it takes do what you have to do” which to me is a statement of a person steadfast in surety. Belief would have caved in around the time that the paycheck was at stake. Greg Anderson with all due respect you made one error on your first video and that was. It is you sir who are the minority. To better promote my point let me say that on this planet there is a lot more dirt than there is gold. I repeat what I just made mention of. It is you sir who are the minority! Until Next time, Barry in DR.


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