Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

07/20/2022- It’s Good to be Back

It’s been quite a while since my last recording. I mentioned several months prior that I’d be dropping the covid reporting and picking back up once the chess board shifted. At this late stage those who choose to be stuck in false fears and propaganda remain where they are, misinformed and frightened. Well, the board shifted as it always does. Eventually a higher percentage begins questioning and once there’s enough questions the original story fades. Notice how there’s much less attention being paid to the dominate subject of the past two plus years. The board has shifted and so I’ve returned.

While the past smokescreen was in no way as dangerous as it was publicized to be the next phase is without a doubt more concerning. The developing friction between nations is a real threat to us all. Those who personally know me know I research intensely. All of our combined research (the Mentors) has yielded the following.

Over the next few years, I don’t like the options regarding the outcome. There is no way this is going to end peacefully. When the same nation who first initiated these sanctions begins blaming the same country being sanctioned for shortages and destroying the world economies that’s a sure sign the aggressor is not looking for peaceful solutions. When coupled to the aforementioned smokescreen that’s been dominating the airwaves over the past two plus years you’re left with a huge percentage of scared misinformed people. This is a tinderbox waiting to ignite!

For the next while I’ll be recording some videos and blogging about the interesting possibilities that face us all. Covering these trending subjects for several years it’s our accuracy regarding the outcomes that’s yielded minimal pleasure. I don’t like being correct on such things but the folks we’ve helped make up for it. We’ve assisted many and to date none would have changed a thing. It’s always been about the degree of effect not will I be affected. We’re all affected and from where I’m writing this post looking over the past two plus years, I’d say we’ve been affected to a much lesser degree than most other places. In the near future I’ll pick this up with several key points of interest but for now it’s good to back. Until next time, Barry In DR.


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