Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

08/15/2022 The CDC Takes a Complete 180!!!

My sincerest admiration goes out to all of you who’ve stood up to the relentless ridicule that prevailed over the past two and a half years. You’ve done your research and stuck to what was revealed. As hard as the last two and a half years have been, it’s by not giving into the propaganda that you’ve now earned the right to be referenced as being a pureblood. I personally commend you for your prudent choice.

For the many others, those who fell victim to the false reporting, the out and out propaganda, it’s to those I feel a sense of compassion toward. I, however, do not feel sorry as it was an individual decision for each of us to make. I’m all in for the freedom of choosing what goes into your own body. Nevertheless, it’s imperative that you make the correct choice, not what you’ve been told is the correct choice.

As the mid-terms approach this November it’s not hard to understand where a substantial amount of the reasoning for the CDC’s one hundred and eighty degree about face steams from. When everything the mainstream produces is a bought and paid for scheme designed to shift the larger percentages into a desired direction, it’s not difficult to understand that a hefty part of the reason is the upcoming Mid-term elections. The party in power is suffering some of the lowest approval ratings in American history!

Now the numbers are being monitored closer, there’s so many innocent victims, they had to come up with yet another boutique illness as some sort of cause. The numbers of victims who took the jab are just too vast to hide any longer. Welcome to what’s the latest trendy illness “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”.

Honestly you can’t make this stuff up, but the fact remains. Over the past two years now, people are dying at an alarming rate. The same people that a short while ago were just fine. There’s only one thing that changed, and it’s something they’ve injected. It’s no wonder the numbers of those suffering from remorse to their decision are running ramped. In prior posts I’ve discussed in detail the differences between proactive verses reactive. This past two and a half years make for billions of examples. Again, congratulations to those who’ve stood behind what their research revealed. Until next time, Barry in DR.


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