Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

08/18/2022 Todays Disposable Tokens

Hopefully this video will get those sitting on the fencepost up off their butts and back on their feet. It’s time to sound the alarm for anyone residing in Ukraine’s more unstable areas. Vacate now! You’re being set up as cannon fodder, you’re the kindling for the next major world conflict.

Please for you own good listen to me there’s no turning back now. The time for that is officially over and has been for quite some time. People you know I’ve been blogging; I’ve been releasing videos about this stage of what at that time was referred to as future events. Well, the future turns into the present and the present has a way of becoming the past. If you reside near relocate if possible and if you have family or know of or how to reach people in that region, REACH THEM!

Once again, the most dangerous weapon on the planet is being deployed. That weapon is an ignorant citizenry. To varying degrees this weapon injures us all. Take for example Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Asia. I won’t bother listing the places but here’s the point I’d like you to take away.

Taiwan is officially the Republic of China (ROC). First off China made it quite clear that there would be serious consequences if she visits the country of Taiwan. No high-ranking US official has in a long while. So, she publicly announces, to alleviate tensions she has no intention of visiting the country. There was a huge sigh of relief heard around the world after that announcement.

Just a couple days later she announces that now she’s going. This is how they toy with us. There’s the possibility that millions of lives that can be altered by this decision, but it’s OK, why? Because we’re all today’s dispensable tokens. Until next time, Barry in DR.


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