Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

09/24/2022 What’s Up With All These Athletes

At some point you have to begin wondering if humanity is just on some programmed downward spiral. Is there any way of justifying a 500% increase in the number of soccer players, along with other professional athletes who’ve dropped down from heart attacks and strokes over the last two years! From March 2021 to March 2022 there’s been a reported 769 athletes who have collapsed during competition. What’s changed over the last two years that could possibly be the culprit.

That is an astounding number and prior to the mandatory rules about being (you know what) the figures were not even worth mentioning. Yes, it was that rare and that makes perfect sense. Athletes are amongst most finely tuned bodies in the peak of physical condition. In addition, the average age of these athletes was 23 years of age. So, what’s up with all these athletes falling victim to heart related issues? What’s changed over the past two plus years?

As far back as early 2020, during the earliest stages of this whatever you choose to call it, we mentioned on several videos and blog posts that there’s going to be a lot of people hurting themselves as a result of their own ignorance. Enough said, it brings me no pleasure seeing the effects rendered by poor choices.

In our bought and paid for world, you can pretty much get anyone holding a piece of 8×12 paper stating that they’re capable of regurgitating what they’ve read to say pretty much anything. Over the past while I’ve been sent in several quality productions from Bitchute and Rumble showing professional’s lying to the highest degree. Nothing more than talking heads.

Doctors along with a host of others, stemming from all areas of the sciences claiming this incomprehensible increase in heart attack, stroke and other major ailments is due to obesity and higher levels of stress. I don’t think I have to remind anybody stress and obesity have been with us forever.

There’s nothing new over the past couple of years that could possibly cause such increases, or is there? This holds true for both the general public and professional athletes, and yes that includes the added stress brought on by our elected officials locking down the world’s economies along with its citizens. Is there something that’s been introduced over the past two and a half years that’s capable of doing this on a worldwide basis?

These prepaid talking heads who are accusing these massive increases on obesity and stress just goes to prove that you can get anybody to say almost anything if the benefits warrant it. Everyone knows that athletes are among the finest examples of physical conditioning known. When are people going to start rebelling and assigning blame on those responsible or has obesity and stress also caused the masses to become incapacitated to the point of no return. Until next time, Barry in DR.


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