Even though you can expect this to be yanked from YouTube we’ll give it our best shot. We advise you to copy this interview to a flash drive immediately! You’ll want it sometime in the future. Big thanks go out to Christopher, Rob, John and several others for sharing what receives my personal vote for the following theme, hypothetically if I were to be asked: If there’s just one video you could share to as many people as possible which one would it be?
If the subject had anything to do with proving the COVID-19 pandemic is a total fraud it would be the one attached to this post. It just doesn’t get any more type one tangible data than this. Flash drive it, I assure everybody this bombshell is going to get pulled quickly.
I’m confident many of my subscribers would already be familiar with Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD. In the prime of her career Mikovits served on the same research teams that Fauci headed up. In other words Fauci was her boss. Mikovits played a key role in isolating the AIDS virus.
Mikovits is a molecular biologist/virologist. Yes she researches and holds a PhD in the study of viruses. A better qualified boots on the ground candidate would be difficult to duplicate. Initially for the greater part things ran pretty well that is until she authored an article in a popular science publication exposing the dangers of the effects of animal and fetal tissue on humans. By exposing how this created certain diseases somehow opened a Pandora’s Box.
Mikovits was now viewed as a whistleblower. She was labeled public enemy number one in the bought and paid for science community. We’ve all seen these staged plays before. Sure they’re different actors and various exotic stage props but the play’s theme remains consistent. Over the past few years one of my favorite stage props is the use of what seems to be several Mercedes 450 SL’s that detonate upon impact or when the key is turned on. I’m sure that’s not a current service bulletin on a 150,000 Mercedes Sports coupe, or is it?
In an explosive one on one interview she connects the dots in this very recent documentary connecting the UNC Chapel Hill, Fort Dietrich (USA) and Wuhan Virology lab connection. Several potent questions regarding why Italy was hit so hard and was it the epicenter. She exposes the connection between Gates, Fauci and their connections to the current COVID-19. Mikovits talks about Fauci’s early cover up paying out millions from NIAID. Inhumane delays in releasing the AIDS narrative which led to MILLIONS of deaths! Putting the obvious bluntly she was a loose cannon.
Soon after the large drug corporations viciously attacked her and her family. Big Pharma prosecuted hardheartedly not showing the slightest sign of clemency. Mikovits couldn’t even have an attorney to defend herself at what was a mockery at best for a trial. They never were even able to place formal charges on her!
In the mentors view Dr. Judy Mikovits is a brave patriot. For trying to stand up for us the little guys. Dr. Judy Mikovits was jailed for five years and also had a gag order placed on her forbidding her to talk about any of it. That order just had its timecard punched for the last time. It’s gone and Dr. Mikovits is talking BIG TIME!! Take a close honest look at who you’ve placed in charge of your health. Feel safer about now? If I trusted them I’d be shaking in my boots about now.
As previously mentioned we advise you to place this on a memory stick. Years into the future you’ll want to have videos like this to show the family. You’ll need them to explain what happened. They’ll make a great tool in helping to explain what happened to the planet and us as a species. Years into the future when you’re asked what happened you’ll be able to provide the data. When asked what did you do to help stop this carnage? Hopefully you’ll be able to look them in the eye with your answer. When they turn back for a second question asking how could you have ever let this happen? What will you answer then? I told you I was good at verbal checkmate didn’t I? Until next time, Barry in DR.
Youtube is censoring this video from many youtubers and has removed it from our Youtube channel but you can view it on our BitChute Channel. Click on the link down below.

Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Latest Book: Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science