We’re all facing a choice. A choice in which time is not on our side. Which track are you taking? Which direction are you heading in? There’s no escaping this we all have to make a choice and those who won’t actually just did.
The principal reason for introducing our second site lies within the thousands of emails received from our DR Escapes subscribers. Good folks looking for ideas, Ideas that only derive from on the ground experience. In the video to the left of this post build a better plan B I’ll be taking a no holds barred position on what you better be taking into consideration as part of your plan B. Actually part of anyone’s Plan B.
I’ll be deliberating on several interesting topics including what might shed a new light on the importance of weapons. Without a doubt most will find this production one of my more controversial videos and that’s a good thing. It’s supposed to make you think. Time is not on anyone’s side. Currently I take the position we are essentially closer to a major conflict than at any other time in recent history including The Cold War! Think about NATO when you’re envisioning that previous sentence.

Sometimes I feel it might be easier teaching a fish to climb a tree than it will be changing the understanding of the western mindset. But we have to try or again it’s our own fault.
We’re currently find ourselves facing a dire situation. A condition brought on by the leaders of an ignorant war mongering nation. They’re actually succeeding in convincing an ill-informed populace that Russia wants war. All along this same nation continues to hoodwink its naïve citizens while supporting over 700 military bases in over 60 countries. Compare that to Russia’s two bases located next to its own borders along with a scattering of what might be best termed as out posts rather than military bases. BUT RUSSIA WANTS WAR!
This seemingly blind population of a war mongering nation can’t fathom the fact that Russia doesn’t want war, it never did. Russia doesn’t tell others how to live or who should be in power. They have the grey mass upstairs to understand live with others don’t instruct others. The worlds shifting to a better understanding of these facts. In so the worlds shifting towards the east and the war mongers don’t seem to like this. So what do they do? They do what they do best instigate war!
It was Russia who played a key role in India and Pakistan having closer ties. Not the war mongers of the west. It was again Russia who assisted Israel to better relations with The Saudi’s. It’s a fact the western warriors had tried to puppet over the Saudi Government while it was Russia who provided a plan for a mending relationship. Seems to be a rerun of “instigate war” when it comes to the recent events over in Turkey. But an ignorant population continues to eat its popcorn and enjoy its corn syrup candy bars. What will it take?
What will it take for the citizens of the west to realize they’ve been misinformed? Misinformed by their leaders and their own controlled media. What will it take for them to understand it’s their birth chip mentality that’s going to spark the next altercation? An altercation that’s liable to leave the greater percentage of the population with little more than a new definition of what pink slime is.
So now the war mongers are attempting to move NATO troops on the boarders of Russia. A move that will certainly kick of the Super bowl that they’re looking for. Now remember Russia wants war! There’s a lot of truth in the saying “genus has its limits but stupidity is in fact limitless”.
Putin Recorded in 2016
A handful of web sites are not going to be enough to make ignorant masses understand. Putin recently stated in a media conference “I don’t know how to get thru to you people”. If a hand full of similar web sites can’t do it even Putin can’t do it what’s it going to take? Our final hope lies in you the people. The people who read these posts. You the people who understand what’s on the cusp of happening. The better question is what’s it going to take for you the people to take action? Hopefully you’ll figure it out before your children are oozing through your fingers as that aforementioned pink slime.
Don’t be looking in the other direction. It’s us who gave these people their power. It was us who allowed ourselves to become ignorant for the sake of a few more dollars. Us who traded united we stand for divided we fall. I ask you is a bigger house bigger debt and a bit more rubber dog shit from China worth it?
We had better get our act together and fast. Put aside the debate on which bathroom is suitable for the person hosting a D cup while at the same time sportin a woody. It’s all a divide to conquer your mind. Get over it and deal with what’s right around the corner. You people in the west are purposely backing a powerful man into a corner. He’s not provoking any of this and he has every right to protect his people.
Perhaps if you opened your eyes a bit you’d take the same stance and protect your own people by doing your part. Enough is enough for the sake of humanity wake the fuck up! In Closing this post I quote Morgan Freeman from the movie Shawshank Redemption “Either get busy living or get busy dying” Until next time.
Barry! Great posts. This one hopefully will catch a few people’s attention. We love chatting with you and getting as much knowledge we can from a man with as much experience as yourself. You and Johnny have opened our eyes a lot over the past years and we thank you for that. I hope this website takes off as good as DRescapes. We know it will. As we are getting our plan B ready with your and John’s help. We can see how fast this world has changed in the past couple years and it makes us feel good that we are on the right track.
Take care guys. Chat soon!!
Thanks Kirk spread the word
Thanks Guys, Now get on out there and spread the word 🙂