Read the post then take another look at this picture and you’ll understand why I say. NOTHING CHANGES BUT THE TECHNOLOGY!
When it comes to igniting any situation, it’s always easiest when preying on the misinformed. Governments prey on the misinformed. Our elected officials have mastered this skill and have been using it against us for ages. In fact, since recorded history began. It all started with what was termed the “mystery schools”.

The masses have been blinded by their elected since we began recording history.
These institutions were limited to the few dominating entities of that time in history, in more direct terms the powerful controlling elites. In these selected institutions the privileged were taught a variety of subjects that the commoners we’re not allowed access to. They were reserved for select groups. Select groups include Sovereign’s and self-governing people, Royal families, religious leaders and an array of powerful families.
These select groups attended courses, they frequently traveled long distances to participate in seminars and lectures. Most teachings were specifically designed with one function in mind. They were topics that would gain them power over the ignorant. Let me provide you with this easy-to-follow example of one way it was used. This was given to me from one of my subscribers several years prior.
One of the themes taught in these mystery schools was science. How the universe functions. Using this as my example, let’s say you knew what an eclipse was, but everyone else didn’t. Only those privileged few who were allowed to attend these mystery schools knew about the phenomenon. Continuing further, now let’s say you wanted to gain control over a large group of commoners, without such wisdom how might you go about it. You might draw them together in a public place and address them all at the same time and in effect be what was deemed a storyteller.
Storytelling was a popular concept of the time. In fact, it’s where many of today’s religious beliefs and political structures originated out of. The first step in the plan was propaganda. Several days even weeks before they would announce that there was going to be an important town meeting and all good citizens need to attend. I hope you took note of the “good citizens” wording.
Before anything even commences, they separate us as either being good or bad. Everyone wants to be a “good citizen” right and that’s why these events attracted such large crowds. Since it’s conception thousands of years prior these controlling entities are using the weapon of divide and conquer against us. I’m sure most readers will agree it’s still being used very effectively in today’s atmosphere.
Initially the storyteller would make up some kind of outrageous claim. Depending on what group was doing the coaxing. It might go something like the following. For those intending on controlling from a political point of view might begin with “unless you acknowledge us as your leaders”. On the other hand, if the motive was control but from a religious point of view the storyteller might take on a “if you don’t accept this particular avatar-God” type of angle.
They’d carry on with some long-winded creative stories that were decorative in content. Yes, in these mystery schools they were also taught how to capture and hold the interests of the common citizen. I suppose ancient Rome’s “bread and circuses” might make for a good reference to get my point across.
Now going back and using the eclipse as my topic, undoubtedly it might end something like “if you don’t accept this as truth to prove our power is unmatched we will”… or using the religion example “to prove our God is most powerful he will”... Then they would use the clincher that would act as undeniable proof what they were saying was true.
They’d announce something outlandish like “in three weeks’ time in the middle of the day our given powers/God will shut off the sun and before your own eyes turn daylight into darkness”. Then, after the darkness has prevailed for (some amount of time) they knew the eclipse wouldn’t last and they would continue “proving ours is the highest truth, or most powerful God will then regenerate the suns power returning light and warmth to the earth. Who can deny only the most powerful… or only a God can perform such feats”?
The masses of the uninformed would stand there in fear, speechless just staring at each other. That’s what would occur if you didn’t know what an eclipse was or what causes it. Would it not be a very convincing illusion? Would it not promote acceptance out of fear?
Well fast forward into today’s scenarios and you’ll understand why I say nothing changes but the technology. If you disagree that’s fine, but remember just a mere 300 years ago you would have been burned alive as a witch if you produced something as simple as a cell phone, only I’m going back thousands of years.
To really grasp what I’m implying you must relocate your thinking to the time period the event took place in. You cannot view this from the present day. To truly understand how we’ve been hoodwinked you must rid yourself of today’s technologies and revert back to the mindset that prevailed at that time period. You must think from the same perspective as someone from that era would have. If you can do this then a bright light should have just illuminated. Now you’re able to realize that’s exactly what’s happening to us in the present. All that’s changed is, you guessed it the technology. Until next time, Barry in DR.