It goes full circle. We currently face the same attempted takeover only disguised under a different name.
Anyone whose studied history to any degree will have no trouble agreeing with the following. It always ends in war. As far back as the Sumerian culture and that’s some 6000 years prior, we as a species have consistently been led into wars by means of false pretenses. Our elected mislead the populous with cleverly staged events, lies and whatever else is necessary to gather up the mindsets of the uninformed.

America would be wise if its citizens would take the time and do the research. Ultimately reveal not only the truth but the entire western stage play of their made up enemy. A made up enemy who has some powerful friends. I’m confident should it be needed these friends would have no hesitation standing beside and joining forces.
Another fact that will stand the test of time is the uniformed will always be the majority. That’s what happens when media sources are controlled by so few. Over long periods somehow this uninformed majority morphed into believing that they are part of an entitled citizenry that need not invest time to achieve accuracy. This majority relies solely on information received not on perspective. Information does not necessarily constitute truth. Truth be told it rarely does.
When paradigms shift there’s one thing that remains constant and that’s change. The same can be said about the universe we inhabit. The question that’s puzzling, at least to me is why so often do these shifts bring about war? It seems to be the catalyst. War acts as a smokescreen that blinds us humans while exiting one phase only to enter another. Perhaps a hefty portion of the reasoning has to do with the phase being exited is no longer functioning. The highest percentage of people are confused, angry and outright scared! By the way are you noticing anything repeating here in our present state of affairs? Hasn’t the stage been set to portray the same spin only winding the cord around a different top?
When Governments are no longer capable of prolonging their present schemes, somethings got to change. Endless borrowing without any intensions of ever repaying, leads to where we presently find ourselves. Here’s another time proven fact to consider. Governments never see themselves as being the cause so the only other choice is us, the great unwashed. Once again, they’re leading us into war.
Many reliable sources I communicate with fully expect that the draft will be reinstated over the next few years. Leaving my personal feelings aside and solely relying on the facts presented I happen to agree with them. Another popular mirage being portrayed to the uninformed is that Governments care about their citizenry. They don’t, they use their citizenry and once again the majority are simply being used.
An additional key fact to remember and arguably the most important one to take away, is this. It doesn’t have to be this way. Throughout history as war was portrayed as the only answer, there’s always been those informed few who fared out well.
Most who accomplished this task first started by taking whatever time is necessary to research the subject. They didn’t panic in one direction or another depending on the latest bit of information heard. Everyone first needs to obtain truth. Truth often brings about surety, which dissipates fear and that’s a good thing. Fear promotes bad decisions.
Now here’s the tweak that seems hard for most of us to grasp. It goes like this. Know the truth however, base most of your decisions on what the misdirected masses will be doing. By researching when others don’t, will always land you the answers faster than the others. Could be a few months, a few days, even a few hours before the others, but most often that’s enough to avoid a dangerous situation. It may be all that’s needed to keep you out of a mad frenzy of angry people.
Take for example the Recent (manufactured) toilet paper shortage. If you knew the truth that there was no real shortage it would have calmed any sense of panic because that’s what truth does. However, if you relied solely on that and didn’t go out and purchase a case before the mad rush knowing the truth wouldn’t have helped much. It boils down to a combination of using both aspects of the formula.
The same holds true for all subjects. Doesn’t matter if it’s food, gas, cash, ammunition, investments, your health whatever. The informed will always decipher the truth well ahead of the misled and therefore will be able to obtain what’s needed before the panic sets in. You can’t stop the game, but you can stay ahead of it. As the sanctions continue more and more are beginning to witness scarcities. Mastering this way of thinking could prove invaluable in the coming months. In future posts I’ll continue in depth about how to implement this time proven way of thinking. Until next time, Barry in DR.