Whatever you sell yourself for it never represents the total costs. Convenience also comes at a price.
I recently received this from a caring Subscriber. With that in mind I’d like to take a moment and pass on a big thanks to all those who take their personal time forwarding me interesting tidbits. Now that the chessboard’s shifted and as promised I’ve returned composing blogposts’ and videos.

There’s a reason it’s called a programming.
Anyone interested in forwarding me sensible thought provoking content, I’d be happy to review it and if it holds water, use it to assist others in better weathering the challenges that lie ahead.
The past smokescreen covering some two and a half years has finally lifted. The truth has gotten exposed on so many levels. While that’s positive I can’t help but think about the costs. Look at the damage caused by the misinformed and those held in fear. However, focusing on the positive aspects it’s time to move forward.
Another big thanks goes out to all who’ve expressed their thanks or concerns after being silent for the past several months. It’s humbling to know some actually do care. To start off, enjoy the following sent in by one of you.
The following should serve as good reasoning why you must invest your own time seeking perspective rather than simply accepting information arriving from any mainstream media source. The following should make anyone rethink their current sources and perhaps become the source themselves. Consider reading the following a couple of times before passing it on to as many as possible.
“Global news Is owned by Corus entertainment. Corus entertainment is owned by Shaw Corp. Shaw Corp Is owned by Rogers media. Rogers media is owned by Vanguard group. Vanguard group owns Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and Johnson & Johnson!
Vanguard Group also owns Facebook who owns Instagram and WhatsApp! Facebook has deleted freedom convoy 2022 group with almost a million followers and is banning people who are posting live streams. Rogers media has blacked out cell service In Ottawa so people can’t live stream!
Is this Making sense yet?? Are you catching on now, or do we need another 2 years to flatten the curve!!”
I’ll leave you to digest the above. If it doesn’t cause you an uneasiness, well what more can I say. You can’t have much of a revolution without the corpses. My personal goal is not to be one of them.
Study the trending information. Remain ahead of the curves on the highway of life. Slow down when navigating volatile or congested areas and of course when the highway is clear open the throttle to it’s max. There’s a time to be concerned about a return on your investment and a time to be concerned about a return OF your investment. We currently live in the latter. Until next time, Barry in DR.