Most of our personal freedoms went up in smoke on the very same day. The world’s never been the same since.
When it comes to identifying a distinct event, one single incident that paved the road humanity currently traveling down arguably it would be the events of 9/11. No other event can equal the parabolic shift downward in personal freedoms. Since that time “you’re either with us or against us.” The uptick in alphabet agency jobs programs such as the MIC and TSA have never flourished brighter. No doubt for the sovereign minded the times are a changing and a sharp right angle turn occurred since that catastrophic event took place.

I don’t believe there’s a better example of the saying technology in and of its self is not good or bad. It’s the wielder that determines its use.
Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS
In a recent post “Chaos Derives in Many Forms” I mentioned that in order to promote confusion several methods will be deployed. Obviously some of these methods are designed to promote fear yet others tug at the compassionate aspect of humanity. It’s the side of us that shows caring and when being led astray in several opposing directions truth often finds itself lost in the abyss. It becomes lost in the fog.
As I wrote in the previous post regarding the deception within the “White Helmets” organization I want to draw your attention to the undeniable fact that there are similar groups in place designed to promote confusion surrounding the events that took place on 9/11.
These groups largely consist of architects demolition experts structural engineers and professional fire fighters. You know the kind of people you’d think would know about such things, and they do. Together they promote various theories describing how the three towers came down. There’s only one problem with all their theories. Scientifically it would be impossible to have occurred in any of those ways. But like I just mentioned they know and they know that too. Their job is to confuse.
Why is it that the only strong factual support of what may have occurred gets buried back on the obituary page inside corner in other words where no one will take notice. I’ve mentioned the name Nikola Tesla in many prior posts. I urged you to get informed about what researcher Mark Passio terms “The Dark Side of Tesla’s Technology.” It revolves around the use of scalar waves and Tesla himself referred to is as a “Death Beam” or a “Death Ray”. Passio makes for a good argument that part of Tesla’s technology was stolen post WW2.
Passio along with Professor Judy Wood make a compelling argument of how those 3 buildings came down in the way that they did. Quoting Passio “if you’ve never seen anything about 9/11 and I asked you to watch this video would you describe that as an explosion?” Chances are you wouldn’t besides where did all the material go? There’s nothing there it all turned to dust. It was more of a “dustification” a term Dr Wood coined to describe the event.
I first want to attach an excellent video showing you the lengths taken to promote confusion. The video’s titled 9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015). These kinds of groups have been hired to deceive the public into believing that explosions and the use of thermite is what brought down the twin towers down along with building 7. Notice how well it’s choreographed. Obviously a lot of funding went into producing this quality production. All designed to promote just one thing confusion!
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Now let’s flip back and ask you the same question as Passio “if you’ve never seen anything about 9/11 and I asked you to watch this video would you describe that as an explosion?” A far better explanation and one that would hold up to the scrutiny of science can be found in this informative short clip done by Passio.
What I know is one of the most revealing videos regarding what actually occurred on that day can be found by watching “Where Did the Towers Go? Implications of the Forensic Study & Cover Up” The fact that this video only received 77,000 views goes a long way to attesting my point when I ask why is it that the only strong factual support of what may have occurred gets buried back on the obituary page inside corner in other words where no one will take notice.
The above Dr. Judy Woods video totally trumps any of the aforementioned reasons of how those buildings came down. It tears down any possibility of the use Termite. No matter how much we think we know the first step in learning is unlearning. We’ve all been lied to.
As a whole we’re still aiding the very sources that are creating the fear driving the confusion only to show up later with the solution. The cost remains consistent. Just a little more taxation and a little less freedom. I urge all to take the time in watching all three of these videos. I guarantee the last two will be eye openers. You have to know the truth before it can set you free. Got your plan B in place yet? Until Next time.