On May 28th 2020 President Donald Trump signed into effect an executive order challenging the many unaudited powers of social media. It’s no longer deniable that social media platforms such as YouTube Twitter and Facebook now control a vast majority of the population’s data consumption. I don’t need to remind anybody how dangerous of a [...]
Enjoy another fact filled presentation stemming from someone who without question has the wisdom to be promoting the subject matter that he does. Dr. Rashid Buttar is a true patriot spokesman for truth. Shifting gears on a positive note I’m receiving more emails expressing thanks. More folks are in fact beginning to see something is [...]
I’ve long found Steve Deace to be a solid source of information. I’ve been watching him for years. One reason why is in this recent show. What the President needs to do in order to get the nation back up and running. In this instance Deace just happens to be spot on every point made! [...]
I’m sure a lot of you reading this are already familiar with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. In effort of keeping this post to a reasonable length I’ll simply post a couple of what seems to be endless list of accomplishments. Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai is the inventor of email and polymath. For any not familiar with [...]
Before releasing any news about what should be considered nothing short of a monumental victory for our side, we first wanted to be sure it was in fact true and if so, was it correct. It turns out the answer to both those questions is yes. Apparently the legal team spearheaded by anti-vaccine activist and [...]
They’re coming for your Children Have you ever had a pain that for whatever reason just doesn’t leave? It’s not excruciating, but it’s there. I’m implying about the kind of twitch that will consistently remind you it is still lingering around just in case you ever miss it for a few consecutive hours. I think [...]
Currently I’m halfway through reading an exceptional new release originating from Dr. Judy Mikovits. The three hundred fifty plus page book titled Plague of Corruption deals primarily with the corruption in the vaccine industry. Dr. Mikovits being the right hand assistant to Anthony Fauci way back in the days of the HIV virus so it’s [...]
I was recently forwarded a video that had a great deal of what has somehow become a rarity over the last while. It contained a healthy dose of common sense. The Mentors have been studying history for quite some time now, and so the following has been well understood for decades. From what we’ve been [...]
I purposely selected this video for what at least I think is a prevalent point. During a demonstration right in the parking lot of the actual hospital where this courageous nurse speaks cold hard facts about what’s currently going on in the very hospital that she works at. Did I select it for the subject [...]
Whenever you assemble such names as Dr. Rashid Buttar and Dr. Judy Mikovits and both are featured in a ten minute video you’re guaranteed one thing. You’re guaranteed mountains of type one data coming at you with the velocity only a fire hose can deliver. If that’s not enough what about a personal interview with [...]
Anybody who’s been with us for any length of time has heard me use the term apophatic research. Whenever I make mention of our study group “the mentors” I often include the fact of us performing various forms of apophatic research. We peel the onion layer by layer. I suppose a fair example would be [...]
Last week the President Magufuli of Tanzania made a nationwide speech to all Tanzanian citizens expressing how fear has led the nation into an economic nightmare far exceeding anything that COVID-19 was ever capable of doing. According to President Magufuli unwarranted fear has a stranglehold over the entire nation. He’s asking his people to think. [...]
Greg Anderson’s First Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0t-MLJlbA/ Gerg Anderson’s 2nd Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHRgkgbuc/ What was supposed to be airing this morning had to be yanked. That’s how fast the times are changing. What was originally supposed to be an inspiring video of a brave police officer named Greg Anderson voicing his frustration regarding many things. Amongst a sizable [...]
Both on our videos and in my personal blog posts on the www.somthingfeelswrong.com website I’ve regularly brought up how much I admire the works of Martin Armstrong. In my humble opinion anyone who is not at least on his free blog is not really interested in first unlearning and then relearning how our world actually [...]
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