Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Even though there’s a lockdown in the DR it’s up to the individual to decide how drastic is the situation that supposedly is the cause for it. Being one who does the research and refuses to bunch with the herd of the ignorant knows the absurdity of what’s currently occurring. Relax and enjoy the value [...]

If we’re not willing to backtrack a bit will never understand why we find ourselves where we are. For the purpose of this video I travel back to Britain during  WW2 between the years 1941 thru 45 when Britain found itself running short of capitol. The many elements of funding a major war were taking [...]

April 8 2020 Revising the subject of debt. As mentioned in the video since the lockdown I’ve been receiving a fair amount of emails. One of the more common statements found among them was describing this new found understanding of how the name Something Feels Wrong came to fruition. Several variations of “I now have [...]

Over the past few days I’ve received a few emails pertaining to an article I wrote a fair time ago. Since everyone is hooked on the topic of viruses, several mentioning of it arrived through my email reminding me of parts of the article’s contents and how it fits perfectly with the planets current climate. [...]

Join me as I enjoy a Sunday morning coffee. In fact why not grab one for yourself and Join me. For one it’s Sunday and two we’re under lockdown so where’s there to go anyway? It’s early in the morning and the chickens are noisy. It’s going to be a productive day out in the [...]

April 1, 2020 Coronavirus and people thought 9/11 was a tragedy. Most thought the twin towers 9/11 incident was a tragedy. It was but like the song says you ain’t seen nothing yet. Little doubt 9/11 was history in the making. As it is always the case, post any major occurrence the freedoms of the [...]

I’ll get right to the point. Without question this is the most information packed most important blog of our twelve years of doing the trends. For the first time all four members of our research group (the Mentors) have contributed in creating what we know is the most accurate unbiased research on the real goings [...]

Well it didn’t take long before it came time to honoring a previous promise made in front of Liane. I promised if I received at least one hundred attempts to contact me about this virus and global lockdown I’d put out a few more pieces of information for those interested so thank you all who [...]

It’s hard to believe a mere five weeks prior and we were all living in a different world. The Coronavirus dilemma metamorphosed humanity in a way the greater majority has never witnessed before. Regardless of your personal philosophies about the disease or the mysterious side effects it’s having on us as a species hold them [...]

March 26 2020 Wow it’s been so long since I’ve authored a blog. As I sit back and visualize all the damage that’s been caused not only because of the Coronavirus issues, but several key issues spanning over several decades to put it mildly saddens me. None of this ever had to happen and I’m [...]

Wow! Lately it’s been so busy for us that Liane finally had the opportunity to edit, post and release this video. I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days together with two awesome folks named Roberto and Jennifer. It was news to me, but apparently they’ve been avid subscribers for a long time, [...]

With day three approaching we first planned a visit to a seaside cave. It’s actually not well known but if you ask around one of the locals will know. If you’re into that sort of thing it’s worth the trip. I was actually surprised at how big it was. After our morning caving deal it [...]

Because there’s a lot of ground to cover day two got off to an early start. The hotel supplied a suitable breakfast consisting of eggs, cheese, ham, toast, coffee, juice and an assortment of fruit. Actually the coffee was so good and since we always travel with our own fresh cream, we actually stayed for [...]

Once more it’s that time again, it’s time to yell out ALL ABOARD!!! Why not come along with us? Pack a small bag and hop into the back seat. This time you’ll be joining Liane and me on another one of our many short trips around the DR. This time it’s Las Galeras and the [...]

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