Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Many of you who take the time to read my posts already know I’ve said countless times that the most dangerous weapon any nation has is an ignorant citizenry. At this point anyone residing in the West and still has the slightest inkling that they’re living in a free democratic society is simply choosing to [...]

After a three and a half week run of visitors it’s nice to be back in the saddle once again. One of the many things I like about what I do is when I’m tired I get to hang up the “Gone Fishing” sign and I get to do this almost whenever I choose to. [...]

Anyone who’s ever wrestled with major change knows it can be a tough encounter. At least it has been for me. I was raised in a family environment where strict rules applied specifically in the areas of what you’re taught to believe and not believe. I understand the challenges involved when bucking the traditional. I’ve [...]

I would like to take a moment and introduce you to our latest visitor Dave. Dave recently came down and paid the DR Escapes team a visit, which I don’t think he’ll soon forget. Dave’s a colorful personality who has recently discovered there’s more to life than the big trucks, the large home and owning [...]

I recently received a request from one of our subscribers. They thought it would be a good idea if I filmed some of the construction currently underway around the town of Cabrera. I took a couple of hours and just drove around the various neighborhoods. I simply snapped a few pictures of the homes currently [...]

As a person who’s invests a large amount of their time studying the sciences and history it’s no surprise I’ve often been invited to voice my thoughts in what might be termed as a counterpoint discussion. As human beings we’re wired it’s in our DNA… we have an insatiable desire to know the unknown. Were [...]

With the 2017 year coming to a close I wanted to take a few minutes in efforts to keep our subscribers up to date. Amid the many happenings around the town, Cabrera is facing a modest but sustainable growth. With the Discovery Corporation buying out the entire Playa Grande project, a lot of media coverage [...]

No sooner than releasing the escape from Bushwick post look what transpired 24 hours later. I’m not here to decide right from wrong I’m merely showing how easily things can change. It’s up to you the readers to decipher what it means. The only hint or clue I’ll provide is it’s always going to be [...]

I was recently forwarded a video by one of our subscribers. A short note was attached saying “I remember you mentioning one of the key questions we all need be asking ourselves is the following. If given orders to do so would the military fire on its own citizens? It’s almost word for word at [...]

With eight exotic beaches to choose from, it’s easy to see why so many get hooked only to find themselves visiting their favorite on a regular basis, but what about the other side of the road.   The landward side, the side I like to call the alternate view. So many forget about the fresh water [...]

Every so often you run into a video that just makes good sense. A video not offering fancy razzle dazzle or special effects to keep your interest going just offering good information… a common sense approach that should inspire the viewer explore deeper into certain aspects of its sayings. Andy Thomas delivers an hour and [...]

With the recent events over in the Maldives I thought it might be an appropriate time to revisit a controversial theme covered in numerous prior posts. I want to revisit, to bring you up to date on the ongoing advancements in the field of biotechnology. Biotechnology is a broad field but for the purposes of [...]

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