With the western nation debt nearing 20 Trillion I knew it wouldn’t be long before several new releases depicting visual analogies of what 20 Trillion dollars actually looks like would begin to appear. Low and behold I guessed right. Only made sense it would follow the previous segments starting way back when the nation’s debt [...]
While recently reading a blog from Martin Armstrong the subject of consciousness dominated most of its contents. Those who’ve known me for any length of time, know I have a passion for studying history, the quantum sciences and perhaps most of all consciousness. I’ve long had the passion of researching consciousness. Where does it come [...]
As mentioned I’m slammed with visitors but wanted to post what I think is an important bit of information. Numerous months prior I shared my thoughts on why I feel it’s going to be very difficult for the US to drive a wedge between China and Russia. Several facts were compiled all backing my suspicion [...]
Ever since I can remember I’ve been an advocate about the importance of owning an offshore bank account along with a second passport. For over five years beginning with the www.drescapes.com website I’ve been promoting the urgency that every person capable, in other words every person who has the funds should spread their holdings into [...]
Two key events took place around mid-February that has allowed a thick section of the dust to settle. You know that dust I keep mentioning about in several past posts. True to my word it’s one hundred percent surety that once the dust settles, right after begins revealing new pathways that were not previously visible. [...]
There’s an epidemic virus running rapid amongst humanity. Call it what you will there’s a lot of different names out there but it boils down to a virus of the mind and we’ve all been infected to varying degrees. To better understand the subject matter of this post it’s important for you to know that [...]
I was enjoying a laid back kind of day so I thought I’d crank up Yota and take a ride over to meet my friend Alduino. Whenever I’m in the area of Rio San Juan I usually take the time to have a drink or two, sit back and chat while enjoying a fine cigar. [...]
Over the next while I have several visitors arriving on tour so I might not have much free time to blog. But I wanted to briefly retouch on a subject I’ve mentioned more times than I can remember. I want to revisit the importance of holding a 2nd passport. Apparently things are progressively changing in [...]
Something’s about to happen, so I want to break out of the chute on a crucial point you need to understand and understand hurriedly. But before I do, I want to travel back a bit especially for my long time readers. In excess of five years I’ve been blogging. Over that time span it’s always [...]
Over a time span that’s nearing three decades, I’ve donated a fair amount of my time towards researching the trends. One of my most treasured lessons origonates from understanding that knowledge and wisdom are two different attributes. Actually they are compleatly different attributes. What people believe by the millions would be labeled insanity if done [...]
Here we are January 21, 2017. I purposely wanted to wait till after the inauguration finalized before my next blog. So what happened? For almost six months we’ve all been fed more versions of the famed legend “Chicken Little” than I even knew existed. January 20th 2017 the inauguration took place. The traditional dog and [...]
A few months prior I mentioned that should Trump win the election there’s going to be a temporary cooling off period. Several bloggers have been using the term “trump honeymoon” to describe it. However the key word I want to draw to your attention is temporary. Just a few months later and already the sabres [...]
Every day I’m getting more suspicious of what is really going on behind the curtain. Anybody who’s been scanning the alternative medias has got to be getting a bit uneasy as to what’s being found on some of the most creditable sources. What’s going on with this new appointed cabinet? The open minded must be [...]
The new administration will be calling “all aboard” come Jan 20th. Prior to that date I’d like to address a few points worth considering. Assuming the inauguration takes place without any incident on Jan 20th the Trump train will officially take over the reins of power, navigating the nation into new directions. Hopefully their selected [...]
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