Now that the many projects are all but completed, it’s time to check out the cameras, fire up the drone and get used to using the equipment. I thought it necessary to test the various equipment before heading out on another video project. Yes, it’s time again to continue bringing our subscribers interesting videos about [...]
Located in Loma Alta less than 3 miles to town. This stunning property is actually the tip of a cliff that spans around a 200-foot drop. Exceptional panoramic views! The property is 100% flat and 100% usable! Water and power to the property line. All papers are in order for a fast closing. There will [...]
Located in the beautiful area of Loma Alta, this property is actually on the tip of a cliff. It truly is the best of the best in the Montaña y Mar project. The views are unequalled! Additionally, the views cannot ever be blocked by future construction! The property is all flat and has water and [...]
Whenever I meet new people there’s always a handful of questions that for whatever reason seem to be quite common. These four or five questions may be similar in nature, however, the subjects they originate from vary extensively. Just a few subjects that come to mind are costs of living, safety, restaurants, real estate, electric, [...]
On my final video of this day trip, I stopped by the aqueduct that feeds a good part of the rice fields surrounding Mata Bonita and Las Gordas. I had a great day and hope these few short videos have brought some enjoyment to those taking the time to watch them. We’re three years into [...]
Crossing the cement bridge heading into Los Memizos which is oregano country. Many folks have experienced the goat in this country. It’s delicious, however there’s a few areas where shortly after weening they eat mostly organic oregano. The flavor is drawn into the meat. From most locals they seem to feel that it’s the best [...]
Really enjoying getting back out there with touring the small out of the way areas surrounding Cabrera. Soon enough Ill be setting up an overnight excursion, but for now these day trips work quite nicely. While Guayabito and Los Jengibres may not be comparable to the larger the huge cocoa plantations of San Francisco de [...]
Now that I’m up and running again it’s great to revisit some of the out of the way small farm towns the surround the region. When you’re living in the nation that’s supporting the strongest economy of the Caribbean and has so for the past several years you really begin to see the development. Even [...]
Hi guys, you’re back with ole Barry. I’m reaching out to all who watch and subscribe to any of our channels. Would you please drop me a comment relating to what, if any, changes you are beginning to witness in the area that you reside in. Since we have a subscriber base that covers most [...]
I recently looked up what the numbers were for arrivals to the Dominican Republic in 2022. These reports tend to be released very soon into the new year. As I am receiving reports from our subscribers on how dismal their nation’s economy is after receiving the stats, I have to take a step back and [...]
First and foremost, Liane and I want to wish all our subscribers the best in 2023. After completing a six month refurbish project on Papa Yota, I can’t tell you how good it feels to be back in the sparse areas of the country again. I’m Lovin it!!! Do not mistake the following as being [...]
However, you choose to spend this time of year Liane and I wish all our subscribers an abundance of peace, love and happiness. Looking forward to being back on the road in 2023. Until next year, Barry in Dr.
Tourism in Every Corner “Tursimo en Cada Rincon” was a two-day celebration on November 19th & 20th with dancing, music & foods and more.
I had the opportunity to scout around Cabrera and sort of catch up on a few of the happenings. The Malecon is progressing nicely but what might even represent a bigger project is the breakwater and dock that’s soon to commence at Playa El Puerto. I hear there’s going to even be a boat ramp [...]
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