I suppose it’s been over two weeks since anyone’s last heard from me. When there’s several back to back groups paying us a visit that’s just how it goes. I suppose it’s the reason why I won’t commit to a regular schedule of postings, I can’t. As they say time waits for no one and [...]
There’s been a lot of media hype in regards to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s recently released article Toward a Global Realignment. Of course when I say media hype, I’m referring to alternative media. By now most people reading my posts have way past figured out news is not found on any MSM broadcasts. I want to bring [...]
Nothing quite sells the story better than before and after. Perhaps that’s why it’s used in marketing to the extent that it is. Everywhere you look in any form of media chances are you’ll be finding it. We’ve all seen those advertisements showing what a person looked like before and after using a particular product [...]
There’s just so much that’s currently happening I honestly have trouble picking which event to write about. There’s such a broad selection of topics ranging from a coughing psychopath to the daily deaths of the men in blue. With such a vast amount to choose from it represents quite a challenge to decide which goes [...]
There’s a lot of truth in the saying you have to slow down in order to speed up. In my youth I would constantly hear those words from my father. He used to do a lot of circle racing back in Canada and as a kid I’d love to head out to the track every [...]
The principal reason for introducing our second site lies within the thousands of emails received from our DR Escapes subscribers. Good folks looking for ideas, Ideas that only derive from on the ground experience. In the video to the left of this post build a better plan B I’ll be taking a no holds barred [...]
With all the compost being forwarded in cyber space it’s refreshing to occasionally read something that’s spot on the money. An article that actually contains real value or what one might call nourishment for the brain. Every so often I’ll read a post that’s near perfection and I just did. It’s by Dmitry Orlov and [...]
The largest Newspaper in Belize just released an article warning its citizens to start preparing for the imminent collapse of the EU and the onset of WWIII. Interesting how countries all over the world are reporting on the inevitable collapse of the EU. Why isn’t the US? I’ve mentioned well before the Brexit vote this [...]
When opening my morning email I found three statements from subscribers actually attending the RNC. I’m copying the solitary one feasible for public viewing. The other two were just a bit too vulgar in regards to their wording. While both accurately express the writers own personal anguish along with their individual feeling of hopelessness they [...]
One of my readers sent me a couple of recent posts by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. To provide you with a brief Bio I pasted this directly from Dr. Roberts site. He’s obviously well respected and in the know. “Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of [...]
Before beginning this post I want to clarify something. Perhaps consider it some sort of disclosure similar to what’s found at the bottom of most web sites. “It is acknowledged and understood that all subject matter including: posts, information, photos, YouTubes and any other means of communication found on the www.somethingfeelswrong.com web site and the [...]
One of the most popular areas I field questions on relates to firearms. Westerners love their guns. At the end of the following few paragraphs it’s my desire that the information brought forth will open your mind to new ways of considering both the value and the importance of owning fire arms. I’ll tell you [...]
I just finished reading through yet another article about skills and character traits that are hard to find but required in order to survive a crisis situation. While my intention is not to ridicule anybody this article is merely one more of the already to many examples where folks are offering opinions on subjects in [...]
We’re now witnessing the effects that take place when masses have been exposed to what I refer to as the toxic cocktail. To a large extent this poisonous combination helps explain why Europe’s burning America is practically in a complete state of demoralization and the Mediterranean is a mess. In fact it touches on every [...]
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