Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Here’s one worth considering.  Located in one of the most sought-after areas surrounding Cabrera.  It’s literally minutes to town, yet it’s quiet and there is NO through traffic.  Gated secure and folks are paying over double the price or lesser quality properties!!!  Totally flat, usable and un-blockable in the future.  This 2.5-acre property is full [...]

Recently a video was sent my way by a subscriber. It’s a simple two-minute video that I wanted to share. It’s a two-minute video that says more in those two minutes than many speeches do that last for hours. Several readers have heard me mention on prior posts “the truth is simple” it’s the opposing [...]

I had a few minutes this morning and wanted to compose this short video. I’m frequently mentioning these two terms, subjective and collective. Collective are a set of things that will affect us all together as a species, subjective are individual matters that are limited to the self. One often overlooked example of a collective [...]

As I’m writing these few words, I can’t help but think of how fortunate we both have been and remain. I don’t necessarily mean it from a material sense,  rather from a sense of inner knowing, internal peace. Balance plays a bigger part in life than people choose to give it credit for. Took me [...]

Hopefully this video will get those sitting on the fencepost up off their butts and back on their feet. It’s time to sound the alarm for anyone residing in Ukraine’s more unstable areas. Vacate now! You’re being set up as cannon fodder, you’re the kindling for the next major world conflict. Please for you own [...]

My sincerest admiration goes out to all of you who’ve stood up to the relentless ridicule that prevailed over the past two and a half years. You’ve done your research and stuck to what was revealed. As hard as the last two and a half years have been, it’s by not giving into the propaganda [...]

I recently met with a friend for coffee. One of the things I love about living where I do, is that I meet a lot of folks from all over the globe. The Caribbean always had a history of attracting a wide array of people. This particular friend originates from Germany. While chatting over a [...]

Moving forward and instead of regurgitating the same mundane about who’s doing what, let’s take a moment and talk about a few simple steps that we all need to take. Take these few simple steps NOW! No matter which area of the world you’re residing in or whatever your personal thoughts are these simple steps [...]

The board has shifted significantly, and I wanted to touch base on a few noteworthy occurrences. A quick review of the past couple of months. There’s so much going on that to get us up and running again for now we’re only tapping into the surface, the headlines. In case you’re curious and are wondering. [...]

I recently received this from a caring Subscriber. With that in mind I’d like to take a moment and pass on a big thanks to all those who take their personal time forwarding me interesting tidbits. Now that the chessboard’s shifted and as promised I’ve returned composing blogposts’ and videos.   Anyone interested in forwarding [...]

When it comes to igniting any situation, it’s always easiest when preying on the misinformed. Governments prey on the misinformed. Our elected officials have mastered this skill and have been using it against us for ages. In fact, since recorded history began. It all started with what was termed the “mystery schools”. These institutions were [...]

  Anyone whose studied history to any degree will have no trouble agreeing with the following. It always ends in war. As far back as the Sumerian culture and that’s some 6000 years prior, we as a species have consistently been led into wars by means of false pretenses. Our elected mislead the populous with [...]

It’s been quite a while since my last recording. I mentioned several months prior that I’d be dropping the covid reporting and picking back up once the chess board shifted. At this late stage those who choose to be stuck in false fears and propaganda remain where they are, misinformed and frightened. Well, the board [...]

If there’s one thing that’s getting harder to find in the region of Cabrera it’s the following. Reasonable size building lots with un-blockable panoramic views, the best amenities, peaceful & safe surroundings. Permit me to add in a couple of additional features like… the location must be minutes to town while driving on top quality [...]

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