Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

I’m confident that a fair percentage of my readers are already familiar with the name Mark Sexton. Sexton was recently reintroduced in a video sent to me from one of the Bitchute Channels I’m subscribed to. I received from the Crowhouse which is a Bitchute channel hosted by Max Igan. I would strongly recommend it [...]

We first met Juan about nine years ago. Wow how time flies!! Seems that more and more are losing faith in the directions and the paths their elected are heading in. When I first met Juan it was on one of our excursions. Juan was born in the DR and at a young age was [...]

As more and more information begins to trickle down even to mainstream sources it’s becoming so obvious the entire virus was a scam from the start. We recently released a video proving it true unless anyone reading this can tell me how you formulate bill H.R. 748 into congress 15 months prior to the virus [...]

I was recently sent another Bitchute video from Max Igan.  All four of us mentors have been long time subscribers to Igan’s Bitchute channel TheCrowhouse. A big salute goes out to the true warriors who spend countless hours revealing what’s been occulted from the masses. Not all that long ago we used to follow Igan [...]

As time marches on more and more of what was once regarded as conspiracy theories begin to reveal. The Fauci emails exposed something far more sinister than corruption; it exposed how little value these people place on human life. It’s kind of ironic that it’s the same people who have also convinced a sizable percentage [...]

Yet again it’s those who study the trends that find themselves months ahead of those simply following the propaganda. Recently a myriad of emails originating from Anthony Fauci’s account were released to the public. This action followed a preliminary investigation and was initiated by the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) rulings. What experts were first [...]

In spite of the happenings, I continue to meet a lot of folks from all parts of the world. I suppose I’ve been privileged to have met so many who share different views, beliefs and entire cultures for that matter. I guess you could say a big part of this understanding I’m about to share, [...]

To date one of the highest quality pieces I’ve seen. Very rare to find this type of lot. The property features two tiers that can either be used for a second income producing property OR as a magnificent pool and gazebo area. Two separate entrances ensures both owner and tenant complete privacy! Incredible views electric [...]

Now that we’re back up and running again I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful family I had the pleasure of spending the greater part of a week with. For some of them it was their first time out of their home country of the United States. For others it was another country out [...]

They say that time flies when you’re having fun. I don’t know if that’s always true but nevertheless time does fly in certain circumstances. I can’t believe by the time this video is up it will exceed a month since my last video was aired. While there are several reasons for the time delay the [...]

For those who’ve been dreaming of an exceptional oceanfront piece of property your dreams may have just been answered. Located a few minutes from the town of Cabrera this 2.1 Acre or 8484 Square Meter property simply put HAS IT ALL!! Location Value 100% usable terrain power water paved roads you name it and this [...]

Hi there, I just wanted to take a few minutes to update all the happenings over in Montana y Mar phase two. In slightly over three months we’ve already sold nearly 50% of the project. How does this happen in a sleepy little town like Cabrera? I feel my understanding of the trends has something [...]

What a pristine location. As they say location, location location. While the prices have gone up over the years this area still represents one of the best values not only in the DR but in the entire Caribbean!! Honestly has to be seen to be appreciated. Price and terms are negotiable for qualified buyers. Every [...]

  Not more than a few days prior, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced Bill C-273 which is nothing less that the beginnings of universal basic income (UBI) to the nation of Canada. Once the masses wake up a bit and begin to focus on the realities of today, I bet they’ll be a lot [...]

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