Over the weekend I was reminded once again of just how fast the times are a changing. I received a blog from one of my most respected sources mentioning that for the third time how China is testing its new Government Digital Currency. Over the past weekend seems that the capitol city of Beijing distributed [...]
A sincere thanks is going out to all of the folks who sent in inquiries about our Montaña y Mar Phase Two community. It’s been just under two weeks since first unveiling the 16 parcel community and to say we’re overwhelmed by your response would be a serious understatement. Considering the current world events and [...]
Hi Guys good to be back with you all. Had several things on my slate today, most of which was cancelled due to bad weather. I wanted to use the downtime to touch on a couple of recent developments so let’s get right on into it. The recent Reddit schemes that have dominated the Internet [...]
I couldn’t think of a more appropriate name for this latest release. It’s with that in mind that I express the importance of moving forward. Regardless of our personal views, what’s done is done. As a collective we all travel in only one direction and that’s forward! I suggest you consider the above as a [...]
It’s great to be back together with everyone. I regret not having the time to create more videos, but as of a couple of weeks now I have been hammered for free time. Dividing my time between the visiting folks, our own personal home plans, the new phase two of the Montana y Mar community [...]
It’s really great being back with you all. Hope the New Year brings in positive changes but of course that remains up to us as a collective. This being a collective effort holds true for any nation regardless of its location, size or beliefs. This energy is also timeless it lasts forever in its endurance. [...]
Well a big hello is going out to everyone. Over the past while I’ve been so busy with organizing the media campaign for our Montana y Mar phase two community that I haven’t had the opportunity to create many videos. On another note it’s been really busy for us. Now the most docile of us [...]
I recently was sent a video created by David James Armsby. His YouTube channel is titled Deadsound and I would suggest that my subscribers at the very least check it out. All I can say is for the enlightened mind the few who can seek hidden messages this channel will feed your inquisitiveness. Armsby creates [...]
Glad to see the number of subscribers growing on our Bitchute channel. However the root cause of initiating this channel as well as our new Rumble channel maintaining the same name of Something Feels Wrong is the insatiable right of freedom to be able to express period. The inheritance to express our views and the [...]
I’d like to share some of the latest developments over the past week. There’s no doubt things are changing at an alarming rate and the mentors research dictates it’s only going to accelerate over the next while. It’s just a suggestion when I say anyone planning to vote with their feet whether foreign or domestic [...]
I recently was linked to a video created by a person who goes by the YouTube name of Johnny Bigger. The text under the link said “Barry I’ve been watching your videos about 3 years now. For the most part you’re spot on and I think this is right up your alley” For me is [...]
It was one of those days I had all planned out. We’ve all shared in that same experience when the entire day’s been prearranged and in order to complete, needed to be performed in sequence. Well here’s a quick question for yah. What happens when it all falls apart? How do you handle it? How [...]
Hey it’s good to be back together again. We’ve missed all of our YouTube family of subscribers. As more and more have decided it’s perhaps time to consider voting with their feet at the same time it’s been running us off of ours. Gosh we’ve been busy! In spite of commencing with another new residential [...]
Bet anyone reading this has never been shadow banned from their own YouTube channel. Well I have and that brings me to why I’ve done this video. Over the past while I’ve received several emails asking what happened to this channel or that channel? I can’t find it on YouTube. As is with human [...]
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