Einstein once said “Genius has its limitations but ignorance is limitless.” and each day forward it’s become more apparent he was correct. Just look at what we’ve become and NO not just since the lockdown either. This reduction of humanities’ frequencies has been an ongoing organized plan for many ages. The reason for the recent [...]
I’m sure by now a sizable portion of our readers have no doubt already seen this video of California talk show host and journalist John Ziegler. From January 2004 to November 2007 Ziegler hosted the popular talk show “The John Ziegler Show” which aired evenings from 7-10 PM. He’s also a documentary film writer/director, and [...]
Over the years when it comes to favored economists one of the most popular has got to be Jim Rogers. While I’m confident this next acknowledgement will come as a surprise to many who are reading this post, we mentors have been aware of it for decades. Truth be told Jim Rogers and George Soros [...]
In our previous release the narrator went into detail about how much of the rioting we’re witnessing has been staged. The 1% club found it all too easy manipulating the ignorant only to later be using them as foot militias. They’ve formed a clueless society currently fueling altercations within several of our largest metropolitan areas. [...]
A few days prior I was forwarded this video featuring a simple yet reasonably accurate explanation to part of today’s circumstances. The part being mentioned has to do with the current and highly staged violence appearing in the majority of the world’s nations. Even though we mentors began discovering many similar lessons long ago, nevertheless [...]
As the façades continue losing their wow factor, I believe you’ll begin seeing a lot more politicians shifting their positions on the whole Covid deal. After all don’t rats flee from a sinking ship? As more and more start asking questions simultaneously, expect the divide between those dawning masks from those who refuse to [...]
Initially at the start of what became a never ending journey of understanding one of my favorite subjects of study was trying to determine at what time period humanity began willfully accepting its enslavement. The interest came shortly after I was introduced to a man by the name of Walter Pye. Soon after my introduction [...]
In today’s world what should be front page headlines, rarely if ever gets to see ink on paper. The same can be said for TV and online broadcasting, only switch the word print with view and you’ve pretty much got it. We’re not being told the truth. Instead of being informed individuals, we’re being influenced [...]
Over the past while what was once a rarity has morphed to become rather mundane. Over the past few years and largely because of all the mass shootings it’s become a common occurrence that violence within America will head up newscasts in foreign countries. Now there’s something every red blooded American should be proud of [...]
I’ve been a fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman’s writings for quite a long time now. Not only are his frequencies at elevated levels, but so are his thoughts, ideas and subjects he tends to cover. I find his delivery to be particularly smooth with a tremendous calming tenor to his voice. For me a calm [...]
Anybody remember the name Ammon Bundy? Here’s a short excerpt from the blog that accompanied the video we posted just two weeks ago. The video Bundy appeared in was titled they’re coming for your Children. In the video Bundy clearly states that the US Government were looking to hire what they’re calling contact tracers. The [...]
Over the past few days it seems the deadly Covid-19 virus has suddenly all but vanished. Seriously I ask you how is it possible for a subject that once headlined every major server and held that position for over two and a half months has all but faded away in under a week. Short answer [...]
Be honest with yourself. How many knew that when a nurse or a doctor wears a mask it’s to protect you not them? I’ve communicated with several folks on both sides of the mask debate. Regardless of which side they lean towards almost 100% remained ignorant of the fact that the micron numbers used on [...]
As someone who’s been mentioning for longer than I’d care to remember how we’ve been divided then re-divided so many times and in so many ways we’ve become oblivious to the fact. The entire planet is in the pre-stages of extreme chaos and the greater majority remains ignorant or at minimal in denial of it. [...]
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