A sincere thanks is going out to all of the folks who sent in inquiries about our Montaña y Mar Phase Two community. It’s been just under two weeks since first unveiling the 16 parcel community and to say we’re overwhelmed by your response would be a serious understatement. Considering the current world events and [...]
Dominican Republic
It’s really great being back with you all. Hope the New Year brings in positive changes but of course that remains up to us as a collective. This being a collective effort holds true for any nation regardless of its location, size or beliefs. This energy is also timeless it lasts forever in its endurance. [...]
Well a big hello is going out to everyone. Over the past while I’ve been so busy with organizing the media campaign for our Montana y Mar phase two community that I haven’t had the opportunity to create many videos. On another note it’s been really busy for us. Now the most docile of us [...]
It was one of those days I had all planned out. We’ve all shared in that same experience when the entire day’s been prearranged and in order to complete, needed to be performed in sequence. Well here’s a quick question for yah. What happens when it all falls apart? How do you handle it? How [...]
About six months prior I was on an excursion with a friend. It was the kind of trip I’d only take for personal enjoyment. I’d never take clients on this level of river crossings or rock roads, however from time to time it’s what I really enjoy and anyone who knows me will attest to [...]
It’s just another normal day in the regions surrounding the little town of Cabrera. Since I’m back on the road doing what I do, why not hop on in and join me for the ride. This time I’m heading out to a town call Payita. We’re negotiating with the owners of a new project featuring [...]
Welcome back. It’s time to get on the road again and part with the mundane and the negative propaganda. Hop in and take a ride as I go about what for me is a normal day out in the country. It’s time for people to realize and except the fact that those who choose not [...]
Greg Anderson’s First Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0t-MLJlbA/ Gerg Anderson’s 2nd Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHRgkgbuc/ What was supposed to be airing this morning had to be yanked. That’s how fast the times are changing. What was originally supposed to be an inspiring video of a brave police officer named Greg Anderson voicing his frustration regarding many things. Amongst a sizable [...]
May 2, 2020 I’m Glad I’m Not Young In Today’s World Most long time subscribers can relate to the fact I’m forever stressing the importance of asking the right question or questions. Another thing I accept complete responsibility for is I continually stress the point of how important it is for you to first unlearn [...]
April 23 2020 New Coronavirus Study is a GAME CHANGER Here’s an excellent sample of accurate journalism. While it saddens me I completely understand it will soar over the flat jar-heads which compose the majority of what we still think of as society, still in the efforts of the small percentage I’ll post it anyway. [...]
April 16 2020 Here’s what Chief Economist of the World Bank LAC had to say. Here’s what chief economist of the World Bank (LAC) Martín Rama recently had to say during an interview found on Dominican today. Rama expects Latin America and the Caribbean region will fall 4.6%. Quoting Martín Rama: “In a pessimistic forecast, [...]
It’s hard to believe a mere five weeks prior and we were all living in a different world. The Coronavirus dilemma metamorphosed humanity in a way the greater majority has never witnessed before. Regardless of your personal philosophies about the disease or the mysterious side effects it’s having on us as a species hold them [...]
March 26 2020 Wow it’s been so long since I’ve authored a blog. As I sit back and visualize all the damage that’s been caused not only because of the Coronavirus issues, but several key issues spanning over several decades to put it mildly saddens me. None of this ever had to happen and I’m [...]
Wow! Lately it’s been so busy for us that Liane finally had the opportunity to edit, post and release this video. I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days together with two awesome folks named Roberto and Jennifer. It was news to me, but apparently they’ve been avid subscribers for a long time, [...]
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