I’d like to introduce everyone to a beautiful 3.6 acres panoramic ocean view cliff front property. Located approximately 7.5 miles from Cabrera its location leaves you close to all amenities and an excellent choice of restaurants. While the home and pool are exceptional for me, what really sets this property apart from many others is [...]
Dominican Republic
Every now and again you’ll hear me mentioning “one of the nicest properties ever seen” and for those who are seeking the highest quality our region has to offer those words are you signal to pay close attention. With that in mind I want to brief you on one of the nicest properties ever seen [...]
Moving along on our last day of an extensive four day haul, I pick it up as we’re heading through the out skirts of Constanza. Everywhere you look not only in the valleys but on the mountainsides, all you see are huge crops of potatoes, strawberries, cucumber, onions, broccoli, cauliflower and even raspberries. Anyway I [...]
On our final day we head out of Constanza. I mentioned of a great BBQ place I know of on the outskirts of Jarabacoa so for one last hurrah we thought it be the perfect place to stop before heading back home. Hope our English speaking subscribers appreciate the tape running at the bottom of [...]
Sept 19 2018 Taking a Look At The Big Picture Taking a look from the macro perspective, viewing the big picture I want to demonstrate just how manipulated we currently are and perhaps always have been. As I often do I”ll bring up a little history during the post only this time it’s coming from [...]
On our final day we began by getting Yota repaired. Yesterday while on the back roads we bottomed out and broke one of the muffler hangers. The guys at the welding shop were excellent. They fabricated a hanger that was stronger than the original. We scored some of the best oregano spiced chicken empanadas we’ve [...]
We received some sad news that one of our neighbors had passed away the previous night. His name was Alejandro, Alexander in English. We received the news early the following morning when another neighbor came up the hill to our house. At the same time we were invited to addend the funeral. Over the years [...]
September 14 2018 Lessons we learn too late At one time or another we’ve all looked back at our lives and asked the all mighty question I wonder what would have been. During the course of our lives we keep deliberating I wonder what would have been, I wonder what would have been. You can [...]
September 12, 2018 Balance Effects Everything I recently enjoyed a stimulating conversation with one of my mentors who lives overseas. It’s now exceeding a decade and a half since first closing the TV and flexing the mind. Slightly over fifteen years spent researching for the sole purpose of seeking truth. Truth, objective truth, wherever the information [...]
September 8 2018 Sanctions in a modern world I don’t know maybe it’s just me but lately it seems like the West wants to sanction the planet. Venezuela and Argentina are just two of many examples that flash to mind. While sanctions on smaller countries may still prove to be effective its effects on superpower [...]
Life through the eyes of a Centenarian I’m at the ripe middle age of 61 and still I connect with my mom every day. Whether it’s a quick email or a message even a call we somehow manage to link on a daily basis. For some this might sound a bit strange coming from someone [...]
Continuing on our trip through the mountains we pass through the one horse town of Orma. Still over three hours away from Constanza we begin to hit some lower lying clouds. Enjoy some of the views as Johnny and Alduino discuss the various plantations, the fruits and vegetables grown in the cooler temps. As Johnny [...]
August 2018 2018 What a 20 Trillion dollar debt looks like. Because of our devalued currencies over the past decade some terms kind of changed a bit. For example what used to be Billion has now become Trillion. No big deal right? It’s a close enough replacement in fact the word even rhymes. Before continuing [...]
Leaving San Jose de Acoa we approach the beginning of what will be in excess of four hours of backroads eventually arriving to Constanza. Ride along while Johnny and Alduino catch up on the events of last night in Barahona. We lucked out on a weekend, finding a triple room including dinner and breakfast the [...]
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