A few months prior I mentioned that should Trump win the election there’s going to be a temporary cooling off period. Several bloggers have been using the term “trump honeymoon” to describe it. However the key word I want to draw to your attention is temporary. Just a few months later and already the sabres [...]
Recently while browsing the web I came across an excellent post written by Wolf Richter. For me this post serves as an excellent example of why I say protectionism never has or ever will work for any extended period of time. Simply put protectionism never works. For those who are interested I’ll link it below. [...]
I’ve long understood the importance of holding more than one passport. In fact its significance can be lifesaving. Furthermore I also understand the added security gained by having assets in more than one nation. What I still find puzzling though is why so few grasp the importance of both. I deem them both necessities. I [...]
After recently receiving some emails with the usual warning labels attached, I decided I’d bookmark them until time allowed me the opportunity to view their contents. When subscribers forward me emails, frequently there’s one or two lines of panic written before the main topic. I’ve since termed this common occurrence a “warning label”. To date some of [...]
In my prior post it was mentioned expect foreign policy and the sabre rattling to relax, but only for the time being. I’m adding a bit more depth in attempts of providing what I hope promotes a clearer picture of why I retain the “for the time being” sentiment. Subsequently it’s my desire you’ll begin [...]
When any animal is backed into a corner it will fight back. It’s the same for us humans. When it comes to shielding, guarding for our own survival we will use whatever means obtainable to endure. That includes ferocity. That’s why I’m a bit uneasy. The neocons are currently backed into a corner. If the [...]
I know by the title of this post many are already assuming it will take on a cynical nature. It doesn’t. I recently received a couple of videos from a friend who works in the field of robotics. The only text accompanying the videos was “This is really Cool”. Today I had the opportunity to [...]
We’re currently receiving the side effects of Hurricane Matthew. As Matthew continues to progress along its course we’re receiving some welcomed rains. Since there’s not much I can do outside I thought it might be a good time to furnish another short article, but about what? For the immediate moment the subject remained a mystery, [...]
There’s just so much that’s currently happening I honestly have trouble picking which event to write about. There’s such a broad selection of topics ranging from a coughing psychopath to the daily deaths of the men in blue. With such a vast amount to choose from it represents quite a challenge to decide which goes [...]
There’s a lot of truth in the saying you have to slow down in order to speed up. In my youth I would constantly hear those words from my father. He used to do a lot of circle racing back in Canada and as a kid I’d love to head out to the track every [...]
When opening my morning email I found three statements from subscribers actually attending the RNC. I’m copying the solitary one feasible for public viewing. The other two were just a bit too vulgar in regards to their wording. While both accurately express the writers own personal anguish along with their individual feeling of hopelessness they [...]
One of my readers sent me a couple of recent posts by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. To provide you with a brief Bio I pasted this directly from Dr. Roberts site. He’s obviously well respected and in the know. “Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of [...]
One of the most popular areas I field questions on relates to firearms. Westerners love their guns. At the end of the following few paragraphs it’s my desire that the information brought forth will open your mind to new ways of considering both the value and the importance of owning fire arms. I’ll tell you [...]
We’re now witnessing the effects that take place when masses have been exposed to what I refer to as the toxic cocktail. To a large extent this poisonous combination helps explain why Europe’s burning America is practically in a complete state of demoralization and the Mediterranean is a mess. In fact it touches on every [...]
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