Recently I had the opportunity to spend a week with Juan and his family. Juan and I first met about five years ago when unannounced he happened to be in Cabrera and initiated an invite to meet in person. Apparently Juan’s been following our blog for several years and always wanted to bring his family [...]
We met Joe and Maggie almost nine years ago. In fact it was Johnny who introduced us to begin with. Several year’s prior they both left Cabrera to pursue business options State side and eventually a percentage of these options blossomed. Turns out they’ve built an elegant second home in Cabrera. After quite a long [...]
Continuing further into our excursion while enjoying one of the most beautiful scenes on the SW coast I made an innocent comment about how much I enjoyed my Alduino Maduro cigar last night. Soon after Alduino being a professional in the business began to explain the different wrappers being used on his most popular sellers. [...]
As we continue our venture for our growing number of Spanish speaking subscribers we decided to do this video entirely in Spanish so… así que este video es para ti. Johnny and Alduino discuss how much natural beauty they’ve seen so far, but for the here and now this highway by the sea has them [...]
As we left the off road and came back to the main highway Alduino was mesmerized by what he saw. Actually both Johnny and Alduino asked me to take a quick pit stop so they could really enjoy the natural beauty. I figured at the same time why not break out the equipment and invite [...]
Last night ended late with an incredible Italian meal prepared by the owner of the hotel. Actually Johnny made a comment it was the best bolognesa sauce he had ever tasted. Since Johnny’s travelled all around Europe that say’s something. Of course we ended the night by swapping stories while consuming a large bottle of [...]
I want to take a moment and introduce you to a property we recently allocated. It’s over 8 ¾ acres and located 32km (20 miles) from downtown Cabrera and 15km (9.3 miles) from Rio San Juan. It’s a very quiet area located near Gaspar Hernandez, just a jaunt off of Hwy 5. The property features [...]
Not more than five weeks since beginning the last cliff front section and I received a call from one of the partners to come on out and check out what’s come to fruition. I have to admit when I arrived at the scene I was blown away by the before and after. Have a peek [...]
One of our most valued experiences from doing the “Something Feels Wrong” YouTube channel is the percentage of folks who began as clients but evolved into friends. Such is the case with Gary and Edilia. Liane and I first met them on one of our discovery excursions in 2013. During the outing it was obvious [...]
Recently I received a call from the owner of an oceanfront property. While I’ve known about this place for years realistically it really wasn’t for sale. It was one of those times when you could use the old cliche “everything’s for sale at the right price.” Well the funny thing about that cliche is it [...]
Well after an eight hour jaunt through several winding roads we finally arrive to Los Patos (the ducks) for our first night’s stay. I really wanted to introduce Alduino an alternate passage instead of going the traditional way which takes you through Santo Domingo with all its traffic and congestion. From what he was saying [...]
Since arriving to Barahona we noticed that the clock’s ticking and it’s already half past four. Since our stopping point for the night was still over an hour away and we did want to have a little down time with a bottle of good rum, we decided it was best to take a quick ride [...]
As we continue on with our SW journey and after a long three hour drive with nothing special to see we finally pull into the gateway town of Barahona. It’s been 12 years since Alduino has been there so I was particularly interested in hearing what he had to say regarding the changes and the [...]
Well summer’s here and boy the heat’s kicked in. A few days ago I received a call from our partner in the Montana Y Mar project. We’re breaking down the last ridge to expose the view and he suggested I come on down and lend a bit of assistance. While there I thought this is [...]
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