Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


It’s late August 2017. I’m composing this post while the thermometer is reaching the mid 90’s.  Yes it’s hot and the air is thick. At times you’d swear you could cut it with a knife. For all who dislike humidity August and September are the two most uncomfortable months in Cabrera. This especially holds true [...]

With the firing of Steve Bannon is there any doubt remaining regarding who’s actually running the western nation. As a person possessing an uncanny desire to reveal truth my personal excavation’s been digging now for over three decades. I understand better than most that you have to dig through the dirt to get to the [...]

I’m often asked why I donate the countless hours it takes to keep not only one but two blogs. Really it’s a good question, as “why” questions so often are.  Strange as it seems somehow I never found the ultimate answer to that question. Always preferring the path of flow as opposed to force I [...]

As I compose this post there’s an unpredictable conspiracy that’s reaching it’s boiling point. Should it boil over the world at least as we currently know it won’t exist. Actually there’s several conspiracies that would meet the same criteria however the one that concerns me the most is the new sanctions bill concerning Russia. By an [...]

Between our NW video tour followed by a ten day family reunion in Canada it’s nice to be back to the normal smooth pace of Cabrera. Liane and I took advantage of the off time, the summer time in Cabrera and headed up north to Timmins Ontario. Thought we’d enjoy the cooler temps while spending [...]

Reflecting on the shadow’s never ending attempt of parading their citizens into yet another staged war,  it’s time to take a closer look at exactly what’s going on. Ask yourself what’s with all the Russia bashing? Why is the western mass medias hell bent on falsely portraying the Russians as our enemy, the nemesis of the [...]

Liane and I were enjoying our morning coffee when I came across this short piece found on RT. At first I had a good laugh. When that subsided I mentioned to Liane “hey get a load of this”! I began to read the title out loud. High anxiety: Americans among most tense people in the [...]

Is it any wonder folks are sensing an uneasiness not seen in decades? Sure most won’t admit to it in company but when alone they know it’s there. If you’re being totally honest with yourself you know it’s there. Of course this is a subjective statement and will vary from person to person. We all [...]

The vast majority of us gathered a large portion of our understanding from the previous generation. To dovetail a bit further let’s just say that a large portion of what we know originated from our parents and grandparents, from our family. Arguably for the vast majority this serves as the template for what now makes [...]

As Trump’s first hundred days comes to an end one might ask so what’s changed? It’s a fair question and similar to many is a dichotomy. Depending on how you view it one answer would be nothing’s changed and from another viewpoint everything’s changed. If you’re still stuck in a linear thought pattern you’ll be [...]

With a near 180 degree shift on all his pre-election promises President Donald Trump is starting to resemble a man who’s walking funny, a bit shaky at the knees.  In spite of the post results, the newly elected has already been gelded. I’m guessing that’s where the funny walk originated from, but for real who’s [...]

A friend of mine recently sent me a YouTube while at the same time citing “he sounds a lot like you do”. This guy talks about many of the same subjects you do. He sounds similar to you by using simple to understand explanations, he verbally paints a clear vision in your mind. His name [...]

With the western nation debt nearing 20 Trillion I knew it wouldn’t be long before several new releases depicting visual analogies of what 20 Trillion dollars actually looks like would begin to appear. Low and behold I guessed right. Only made sense it would follow the previous segments starting way back when the nation’s debt [...]

While recently reading a blog from Martin Armstrong the subject of consciousness dominated most of its contents. Those who’ve known me for any length of time, know I have a passion for studying history, the quantum sciences and perhaps most of all consciousness. I’ve long had the passion of researching consciousness. Where does it come [...]

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