Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


April 8 2020 Revising the subject of debt. As mentioned in the video since the lockdown I’ve been receiving a fair amount of emails. One of the more common statements found among them was describing this new found understanding of how the name Something Feels Wrong came to fruition. Several variations of “I now have [...]

April 1, 2020 Coronavirus and people thought 9/11 was a tragedy. Most thought the twin towers 9/11 incident was a tragedy. It was but like the song says you ain’t seen nothing yet. Little doubt 9/11 was history in the making. As it is always the case, post any major occurrence the freedoms of the [...]

September 8 2018 Sanctions in a modern world I don’t know maybe it’s just me but lately it seems like the West wants to sanction the planet. Venezuela and Argentina are just two of many examples that flash to mind. While sanctions on smaller countries may still prove to be effective its effects on superpower [...]

Sept 5 2018 Pension Debt and Your Free Will As a species since the beginning of time we’ve possessed what most term free will. I’ll agree as human beings free will is one of our natural inherent properties. While I couldn’t agree more on the above there is another side to this statement and rarely [...]

August 2018 2018 What a 20 Trillion dollar debt looks like. Because of our devalued currencies over the past decade some terms kind of changed a bit. For example what used to be Billion has now become Trillion. No big deal right? It’s a close enough replacement in fact the word even rhymes. Before continuing [...]

August 28 2018 When it comes to possessing the skills to tame any beast I know of no better source than Jim Rogers. On multiple occasions I’ve watched Jim take over the reins and tame the most belligerent interrogator and effortlessly coax them back to reality. I understand we’re currently living in what you might [...]

August 20 2018 Ever notice it’s not until our doctor or accountant mentions something along the lines of “we have to meet and promptly” do any of our internal red flags begin waving. It’s not until these foreboding words really settle in that your mind initiates its travels various directions. Confusion and fear sets off [...]

It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to post a few blogs. With so much going on at times I feel as busy as a one armed wallpaper hanger but that’s a good thing. I recently was forwarded a 20 minute speech by a fellow named Larken Rose. For those not familiar with him I’d [...]

This add-on goes out to those with open eyes. About a week after I began posting about how devastating it was that the US pulled out of the Iran deal look what’s already transpired. I’ve pasted a paragraph from my most recent post. It’s almost 100% predictable and no I’m not going to say I [...]

After what’s recently occurred, by abandoning the Iran deal already some of America’s strongest allies are beginning to ask some tough questions. The EU is now asking several direct questions concerning the loyalty of what was thought of as a set in stone relationship. What have I always said about history having a funny way [...]

Our greatest enemy may not be ignorance but rather the illusion of knowledge. Just when you think it can’t get any more obvious. Never under estimate the ignorance of Government. Case in point, Trump Dumps the Iran deal! Several months prior to the Presidential election while most bought and paid for puppet Medias were busy [...]

It’s been just shy of seven years since my first discovery tour took place. During that time span between the meet and greets, the discovery tours, the thousands we’ve met along the way, good folks hailing from every part of the globe one thing still remains intact. One commonality still remains unchallenged. For as long [...]

Anyone other than the most cubed minded should be able to see that hunting down and eliminating cash is nothing more than a re-enactment of a Marxist Theory. While the bought and paid for pressitudes of the main stream media continue to push mockeries, facades that cash is the tool of drug dealers and terrorists. [...]

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