Everything we do requires balance. Be sure you’re not leaning too much in either direction. Part of balance is stability. Stability is one form of strength. Always strive for a greater understanding of both extremes. Usually you’ll find the truth lying somewhere in the middle.
I know by the title of this post many are already assuming it will take on a cynical nature. It doesn’t. I recently received a couple of videos from a friend who works in the field of robotics. The only text accompanying the videos was “This is really Cool”. Today I had the opportunity to have a listen and I have to admit was astounded by what I saw. I copied one below this post.Technology has always been a double edge sword.
I’ve long been fascinated in bionic sciences but in other areas not in prosthetics. I had no concept of how far we’ve progressed in the field of bionic limbs. We all seem to be spending the greater part of our time focusing on the darker side of technology that we’re actually missing out on its brighter side. Can this be addictive? For the greater percentage of the folks I meet I’d have to say yes it can be. If your mind can control prosthetic limbs why can’t the mind itself come under control? The short answer to that is it can. In fact it already has.

Yea I suppose you could say we’re the latest re-creation from long long ago and you’d be right. So why are these future changes so hard to accept. It’s evolutionary.
Technology’s not the only area that possesses a double edge blade. There’s some degree of truth to that in all areas of our existence. Knowing this information most still choose to view things from the darker side. Why is that? How come so many are programmed that way? Since everything originates as some form of energy beckoned to us as either frequencys waves or in hertz, why not adjust your dial? In other words fine tune your frequencies. Be aware then prepare but don’t let it take over your life. If you do they’ve already won. Their prize is your mind. They’ve captured your mind and they know the rest of you will soon follow. What choice does it have? Remember a habit is when the body becomes the mind.
We’re progressing at a faster rate than any other time in history. True it’s a fact that most of the ethereal challenges we currently face today are in part because of newer technologies. For the first time in our existence we can control so many areas, just a mere decade earlier were thought of as impossible. But ultimately the choice is up to ourselves to determine which path we travel.
I remember the late Wayne Dyer when he coined his most important question we’ll ever ask ourselves. It was this “do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe?” He continued by stating “depending on which way you answer that question is the way most of your life will follow suite”. I know this is true. I had asked myself that question long ago. I answered correctly, correctly for me.
I hope you all take the time to chill out and enjoy viewing this amazing technology. Explore some of the positive for a change. You deserve to. The wielder always determines the use of the tool, not the other way around. If all you ever choose to see is darkness will you be able to recognize autonomy should it finally arrive? I think not. Until next time this is Barry in DR.