Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Terms of Service

The Terms of Service covers SomethingFeelsWrong.com and any associated content, including but not limited to, emails and RSS feeds. Please read this statement carefully before proceeding to access our content. Your use of SomethingFeelsWrong.com indicates your agreement to abide by the Terms of Service in effect.

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If you become aware of a security issue, please email us at Admin [at] SomethingFeelsWrong [dot] com. We will work with you to address any problems.

12.  Notification of Changes

From time to time SomethingFeelsWrong.com may modify its Terms of Service and any revised Terms of Service will be posted to this page.  We will not make any attempt to notify users of the SomethingFeelsWrong.com website in any other way.

13.  Effective Date

This statement of the Terms of Service is effective June 1, 2016.