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The Dangers of Propaganda

When it comes to lethal weapons there are two that head up my list. First and foremost is an ignorant citizenry. Secondly is propaganda. You see it’s an ignorant citizenry that allows events like the upcoming war that Europe’s pushing for. Ignorance is not an insulting word; its root stems from the word IGNORE! This makes the citizenry IGNOR-ANT of the available information that’s out there for the taking. They ignore hence they become ignorant. It really has nothing to do with the individual being dense, stupid, or any of the other descriptions used to mask the realities of being ignorant. Propaganda is a close-ranked second when considering the opponents’ weaponry. It’s propaganda that promotes the ignorant to make poor decisions, decisions that have an effect on us all. Propaganda promotes ignorance, and it’s the ignorant that will allow those buttons to be pushed, in the not-too-distant future if we’re not careful. If we’re not cautious, if we don’t take the time necessary to unfold truth from fiction those buttons are liable to be pushed a lot sooner than most of us think, but strangely it’s understandable. Reason being most of the citizenry chooses to remain IGNORANT of the current reality. Until next time, Barry in DR.


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