If the Government of the United States wanted your children to be educated they would be. But they don’t. They want them to be ignorant and they’ve got us right where they want us. It takes only one generation whose been through the public education system. From there it progresses fast. Notice any changes in our youth compared to the youth 20 years prior? What about 30 years 40 years. Enough said.
After recently receiving some emails with the usual warning labels attached, I decided I’d bookmark them until time allowed me the opportunity to view their contents. When subscribers forward me emails, frequently there’s one or two lines of panic written before the main topic. I’ve since termed this common occurrence a “warning label”. To date some of the most common “warning labels” have been Barry must see!!! You won’t believe this!!!! How can they get away with this!!! Or my all-time favorite it’s against the constitution.
While I’m confident most of my readers experience similar scripts, similar warning labels I’m puzzled as to why so few actually address the underlying problem, which is the real weapon of choice. Controlling sources most dangerous weapon is an ignorant populace. In fact the world’s most dangerous weapon mirrors the above mentioned. Regardless of a person’s spiritual beliefs, political beliefs or any other subcategories the most dangerous weapon always was and still remains an ignorant populace.

Currently it’s one in five. A.D.D Ritalin Prozac Does anyone else see something wrong here? Curiosity rules currently it’s also one in five new born now have Asthma.
Consider the following statement. It serves to further back up the dangers of having an ignorant population. Ignorance is a weapon that gains strength over time! With each consecutive generation ignorance becomes more advanced therefore becoming more effective. Most disturbing of all it becomes more accepted! You must understand what I’m about to say. The next generation will not know what privacy is even more worrisome is the fact most won’t think anything of it. To the next generation it will be customary, it will be routine.
Try to wrap your head around that for a few minutes. When initially mentioning this to my readers, it comes off as one hell of a wow effect. This is especially true for my readers who are parents themselves and even stronger if they have grandchildren. After it sets in for a while many have responded about the reality set forth by that statement. It really does hit them hard but truth often does.
Many of history’s greatest tragedies have been initiated by the weapon of ignorance. The examples are far too numerous to be mentioned in a short post, however I do want to take you back to an excellent example that occurred not that long ago. Going back several years I want to call your attention to a speech made by George Bush Jr. While watching this short video I ask that you pay attention to the arrogance coming from the podium. According to Bush the entire event was a mistake, it was all (by his mannerisms) a rather humorous simple mistake when he comments “no WMD’s there”.
Pay close attention as the invited wealth enjoys the humor in his pathetic attempt at making a joke. Like none of the atrocities the west committed even mattered. They laugh and they raise their glasses while enjoying their thousand dollar a plate meal showing no remorse what so ever. Over One Million casualties! Over one million casualties based on a false flag. A false flag ignited by the fuel of this most dangerous weapon, an ignorant populace.
To further stress my point on how effectively ignorance is used as a weapon, the audience isn’t even aware that they’re being hoodwinked. Many youths from the western nation also died in that false flag encounter, so hence they’re also laughing at our deceased. All caused over an intentionally started false flag predetermined event. History’s just full of similar scenarios, similar setups. Ignorance is a volatile fuel and our value (at least at the time of writing this post) seems little more than firewood. To them we are all just kindling.
Dying Iraq War Veteran Reacts to George W. Bush Joke About Missing WMDs
The club makes certain elected officials are well versed in all aspects of this weapons usage before commencing with any elected positions. Countless hours of coaching spent on deployment and distribution, two areas they’ve got down to a science. Our elected leaders know this so do the controlling sources behind the curtain. They know devoid of any doubt their most effective weapon is an ignorant populace. It doesn’t matter if you’re prosperous enough to be invited to such an event or even if you were sitting in the audience. All that’s important is that you remain ignorant.
Controlling sources know it, elected officials know it, so why is it that most of us don’t know it? Why can’t the masses figure out such an obvious swindle? If there’s any doubt about what I’m saying open your eyes better, yet open your mind and have a good look at the current condition of our shared planet. If you do I have no doubt you’ll understand why for so long ignorance has been the top dog when it comes to being the weapon of choice. Either way remember they’re laughing at all of us so that includes you. There once was nescience but no longer, the information is out there for those who choose to seek it. All that remains is pure ignorance. Until next time this is Barry in DR.