Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

06/14/2021 Liars Get Trapped in One of Two Ways

Original Video posted by HighImpactVlogs on Youtube was deleted by Youtube this was the link:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpimAnNpH_JQxDa0YMTwdnw

As time marches on more and more of what was once regarded as conspiracy theories begin to reveal. The Fauci emails exposed something far more sinister than corruption; it exposed how little value these people place on human life. It’s kind of ironic that it’s the same people who have also convinced a sizable percentage that it’s all for their own protection (control).

Mainstream news sources can no longer keep such atrocities under the rug and by exposing even those few has triggered a huge shift in the public’s mindset. Things are beginning to unfold. Whether it’s the Fauci emails or the Gates divorce announcement on the week of May 8th signals that things going forward are going to be questioned closer, a lot closer! Part of this is a good thing as more are awakening, however as history proves, also causes the different views to divide further. We’ve been conditioned in today’s world that the peas can no longer touch the mashed potatoes. As was said by former President Bush “you’re either with us or against us”.

Now that time’s taken its path and as always is the case, liars will eventually trap themselves in one of two ways. Liars get caught by timelines and by geography. Knowing this makes the apophatic research we do so rewarding.

I revisited this excellent archived video at this time for a reason. If you read the above now you know why.  Knowing the timeline of this video and if you grasp what I’m saying then you’ll understand that after that initial acceptance into Congress way back in 2019, everything after is just part of the plan. This holds true no matter how convincing the illusion is. Until next time, Barry in DR.


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